As in any other programming language, loops in Perl allow you to execute some set of statements over and over until some stop conditions are satisfied.
1. While loop: The while loop executes a set of statements repeatedly as long as a test expression in while loop evaluates to true. The test expression is evaluated before every iteration, so the block may get executed 0 times. There is also do..while, which is similar to while loop except that the condition is evaluated at the end. The following code prints the table of 2 using while loop.
$counter = 1;
While ($counter <= 10) {
printf (2x%d = %d\n”, $counter, 2*$counter);
$counter = $counter + 1;
2. Do...until loop: The do..until loop execute a set of statements repeatedly until the test expression in loop becomes true. The test expression is evaluated at the end of the loop. The following code print the table of 2.
$counter = 1;
do {
printf (“2x%d=%d\n”, $counter, 2*$counter);
$counter = $counter + 1;
} until ($counter > 9)
For loop: Perl also supports for loop. This has the following form:
for(initialization; test; inc)
3. Foreach loop: perl uses the foreach loop for going through each line of an array or other list-like structures. This has the following form:
for $var (@array)
Subroutines in Perl
A subroutine is a block of code that can be inserted anywhere in your program and executed by calling that subroutine. Subroutines have the following structure:
sub nameofsubroutine {
Here sub is the keyword of Perl. You can call subroutine in the following manner:
$returnval = &nameof
Subroutine (arguments)
The return value is the value of the last executed statement in subroutine. The arguments given to the subroutine are passed on to the code inside the subroutine in the special array @_. You can access the first scalar argument with $_[0], the second with $_[0] and so on.
File handling in Perl
File handling is a basic feature in any programming language and perl has very powerful mechanisms for dealing with file input/output.
Opening a file: you can use the open function for opening a file. It has the following form:
FILEHANDLE are not denoted by special characters like @, $ and are not strings. The FILENAME is a string and could be specified in special formats shown below and open returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
Special filename formats:
“FILE”: open FILE for input and is same as “
“>>FILE”: open FILE for appendind
“+>FILE”: open FILE with read/write access
“| CMD”: open a pipe to CMD
“CMD |”: open a pipe from CMD
Reading and writing to a file: for reading from a file, you can use < >operator. For example;
#for reading a line from the file
$line =
#for reading the entire file
@filecont =
You can use the print function for writing to a file. The print function takes an optional first arguments, which is a filehandle. The first argument is different from the list of scalars and there is no comma after the first argument.
Closing a file: To close a file use close function, which has the following form:
Key Features of Perl
Perl is a good choice for many developers. Here are some key features are given,
1. Web page design and CGI scripting
2. Prototyping
3. Auto-Code generation and
4. Information processing