
Saturday, November 15, 2008

collect and check Network Configuration

This batch file is a mere collection of commands that collect network configuration settings on a Windows server, and write them to a file. This would be useful in situations such as

You need to move a server to new hardware, so you want to collect network configuration so that you can reproduce it

To check the network configuration before you run dcpromo (create a domain controller) After dcpromo : to check network configuration, in particular whether the domain controller correctly registers in DNS.

The Script is Here!!

@echo OFF
ECHO checking network configuration

REM netdiag _ saves log in current directory

ECHO exporting DNS settings

IF EXIST %systemroot%\system32\dns\DNS_zone.txt DEL %systemroot%\system32\dns\DNS_zone.txt
dnscmd /ZoneExport kicks.local DNS_zone.txt
dnscmd SRV01 /EnumRecords kicks.local > DNSRecords.txt
COPY %systemroot%\system32\dns\DNS_zone.txt

Echo exporting DHCP configuration (and WINS)

netsh DHCP server dump > dhcpconf.txt
netsh WINS server dump > winsconf.txt

ipconfig /ALL > ipconf.txt
netsh dump > netdump_all.txt

ECHO done. results saved in current directory:
DIR /L /B *.txt

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